Sanctuary: Psychics Online 24/7
psychic, energy healing, past life
$4.99 for 5 mins
Hi! I’m Rose. I am a Clairvoyant, Empath, and Energy Healer. I specialize in seeing the energy of possibility and your next steps. My primary focus is seeing what makes you extraordinary and empowering you to harness your strengths to cultivate your best life! I have lived in 4 different countries and experienced stepmotherhood, great love, and loss. All great psychics have lived and experienced life in deeply extraordinary ways, which is what allows them to see you through a lens of understanding.
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$7.99 per minute
energy healing
$6.99 per minute
past life
$7.99 per minute
While my hours to vary, you can typically reach me here Monday - Friday 1:00-7:00pm, EST. I regularly frequent Saturdays. If you would like to connect during a specific time that works for you, please ask me during our next session and I'll do my best to
While my hours to vary, you can typically reach me here Monday - Friday 1:00-7:00pm, EST. I regularly frequent Saturdays. If you would like to connect during a specific time that works for you, please ask me during our next session and I'll do my best to
Prices on this menu are subject to periodic changes.
Prices may differ between readings and readers.

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