Sanctuary: Psychics Online 24/7
psychic, tarot
$4.99 for 5 mins
Hi✨I see symbols, faces and places when given by my guides to assist in readings. I can also look into the energies & openings around you currently.🌀 Together we can look into whatever you wish just as long as the reading is about you 🤍 & within Sanctuary's guidelines. As a believer in free will🪽I don't believe the future is ever fully determined, we co-create with the universe. My readings will therefore encourage you to implement positive change as the conscious creator you are🕊️ My wish is to support you by bringing you more clarity in times of uncertainty, not to make choices for you. I can however offer what I see, hear, sense as well as love and spiritual tools.❤️ Blessings🌠
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$4.99 per minute
Varies week to week. If you would like to arrange a time together for a future reading, I am happy to do so with you in a time that suits you during our meeting.
Varies week to week. If you would like to arrange a time together for a future reading, I am happy to do so with you in a time that suits you during our meeting.
Prices on this menu are subject to periodic changes.
Prices may differ between readings and readers.

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